Search Engine Marketing Services, SEM in Phoenix AZ

Yo Mama Web Company search engine marketing price
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We guarantee that your website will be on the first page of Google and/or Yahoo in less than 24-hours. There are no contracts and we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Most sem strategies involve page ranking to increase web traffic. Although website traffic is important, we are more interested in the quality calls you receive from your online marketing campaign.

IMPORTANT SEM TIP: Your search engine marketing company should help you understand the importance of click through rate (CTR) and quality scores because they determine your cost per click. According to many search engine marketing blogs, the average CTR is 3% while 10% is considered high.

We will identify your return on investment (ROI) expectations, evaluate your website, setup your adword accounts, ppc campaigns & competitive ad groups, select performance-based keywords to target your demographic and provide detailed reports.

web design price quote

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